
Let’s face it, market conditions are challenging. We know originations are projected to be down by 40% next year. Nonetheless, everyone is trying to get a leg up, of course. Now is the season to plan for 2011, and companies are hard at work doing...

Over the past week or two we have heard a lot about taxes and the debate as to what is the best way forward. Sometimes I think we get so bogged down that we don’t see the whole picture. How does this relate to the...

It’s nice to talk on the phone and exchange e-mail, but there’s something to be said for meeting in person. I’m not sure technology will ever replace that need, in fact. But it’s not often in this busy world that we get a chance to...

The saying “actions speak louder than words” certainly has meaning, but this phrase shouldn’t be used to discount the power of the spoken and written word. Words matter. How many times have you gotten into an argument with someone only for them to throw back...

There’s a huge difference between being busy and being productive. In today’s society everyone is moving a million miles a minute. Why? They have to get the kids to school, do their dry cleaning, get the kids to their special events like ballet, gymnastics, football,...

As we meet with executives throughout the country, many are evaluating what 2010 was like. They are asking: What were our results and how do we improve upon them in 2011? Disciplines like innovation, leadership development and strategy come up in these discussions. These terms...

Your product is great. Why is it great? Because you say so of course. But really, what else are you going to say? Are you going to say it stinks? I don’t think so. It’s your baby. It’s your livelihood. So, you have to find...

I think most people think of slacking off as someone being lazy. A slacker is someone that cuts corners. They don’t do a good job. They always look for the easy way. Certainly those characterizations apply, but I’d put a different twist on the term....

Certainly the rescue of all the Chilean miners is the feel-good story of the week, maybe even the year. I want to relate this, if I may to the mortgage industry because I think there can be lessons learned from this inspiring situation. We need...

As leaders of an organization everyone turns to them for answers, motivation and insight. You look to your boss for guidance. And your boss needs be a leader, not a follower. But where do they turn when they’re looking for advice? In today’s competitive marketplace with...