
What’s in a brand? A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image...

Have you ever thought: Why did I lose that deal? What did I do wrong? What could I have done better? We all have these thoughts. In the article titled “The 3 Sales Questions I Should Have Asked” by Jill Konrath, she reflects on her...

When you talk about e-mail, you usually don’t equate it to a way of bringing in more revenue. That’s a mistake In the article entitled “A Guide to Cold E-Mailing” published in the Harvard Business Review, the author notes that cold e-mailing is harder than...

In the mortgage space buzzwords flow like water. Someone coins a term that catches on, and everybody looks to copy it. You have to remember though, that when you describe your product you have to tell a story that is compelling. In the article titled “How...

The sales cycle has changed, and you have to change with it. In the article titled “The New B2B Sales Imperative” written by Nicholas Toman, Brent Adamson, and Cristina Gome, they conclude that “most B2B sellers think their customers are in the driver’s seat—empowered, armed...

There’s a lot of noise in the mortgage industry. So, in order to be effective you have to know how to get your message across. In the article “9 Ways to be a Positive Communicator” by Jon Gordon, he suggests: Shout Praise, Whisper Criticism – This phrase...

In the article entitled “How to Have the Most Productive Q1 Ever: 11 Helpful Tips,” written by Amanda Zantal-Wiener she rightly says that productivity is one of those things that’s too general to master quickly. You might be trying to get more done in a...

Believe it or not, we’re in 2017. So, you have to do everything possible to make this a banner year for your company. In the article entitled, “Want to Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever? This Olympic Coach Has a Super Simple Solution” by Chris...

The Presidential Election has taught us that the power to communicate in a clear and concise message matters. Too often we are intimidated by a blank page or screen and have trouble getting the message started. For example, in the article “How To Write An...

Michael Hammond is an entrepreneur, business leader, and thought leader, he has extensive experience in Financial Services and more specifically financial services technology, and held prior executive positions such as CEO, CMO, VP of Business Strategy, Director of Sales and Marketing and Director of Marketing...