09 Apr Writing A Compelling Case Study – The Proof Is In The Pudding (part two)
Last week I started talking to you about an article called “8 Tips For Creating a Great Case Study” by kissmetrics. Why? Because in order to succeed in a time when the resources of every lender are stretched, you as a technology vendor, have to craft a compelling argument telling that lender prospect why they should spend even a penny with you. The saying: “Money doesn’t grow on trees” rings true these days. Lenders can’t afford to waste anything, least of all money. So, how do you get them to send with you? No. 1, you tell them about the successes that other lenders have had using your technology by writing a case study. Here are four more tips on how to make that case study effective:
1. Talk Specific Strategy
So you doubled a website’s traffic or sales, right? How did you do it? This is where you sell your products or services simply by saying which ones you used and how they led to the desired result. You shouldn’t just say “our online marketing services led to these results.” Instead, you should say “it was a combination of a three-month dedicated social media campaign focusing on Facebook & YouTube and five months of link building that led to an increase in rankings plus brand exposure that led to these results.”
2. Try Different Formats
While people like stories, case studies do not have to be fit into story form every time. You could try different types of case studies, such as an interview format where you have your clients answer the same questions mentioned earlier about what they do, their needs, their goals, and how you met them. Quoting your customer in their own words will make the case study even more relatable to your ideal customer than you telling the story.
3. Appeal to Different Types of Learners
While some people enjoy reading, others may prefer audio, video, or visual representation of your case study. So consider taking your text-based case studies and re-purposing the content as:
- A podcast
- A YouTube video
Or even try an infographic. The bonus with YouTube videos and infographics is that they are easy to share. This means that your case study may go further than just your own site, leading to more of your potential customers finding out how they could benefit from your products or services.
4. Make Them Easy to Find
What’s the point of having great case studies if no one will ever read them? Be sure that your case studies are organized and easy to find.
I hope these tips helped. Now go out there and use them to craft the best case study possible to both sell your solution and to also further the cause of automation in our industry.