
We have found that these percentages should be switched if your organization is serious about successfully influencing your prospects and closing more deals. The presentation should begin with focusing 75-80% on the “why” and then concluding with 20-25% on the “what”. Provided below...

Selling is not easy. To be an effective salesperson, you have to be persuasive so that you can influence your potential client into purchasing your products or services. Today’s prospects are now wiser and more savvy when sitting in on the typical sales presentation. To...

In today’s marketplace websites need to be built faster and easier so that companies can deliver more content to their prospects and clients. Whether it is potential borrowers going online to shop rates, collect information or actually begin the origination process, consumers are online looking...

Recently, I was involved in a roundtable with mortgage industry leaders discussing technology in all phases of the mortgage process. There were a number of great discussions and insight into technology and its role in the mortgage industry. The one question that triggered...

The mortgage industry continues to be front and center. Congress and the current administration have made regulatory compliance and enforcement a top priority. There are constantly changing rules and risks from the FTC, Federal Reserve and HUD which is focused on flexing their...

Lenders and vendors are under intense pressure to survive in today’s current mortgage environment. Products and services that were in great demand just a couple of years ago have almost completely evaporated. Lenders have had to dramatically adapt to these market conditions by changing their...

Social media is a fundamentally transformative and rapidly evolving business tool for sales, marketing, communication, business development and the dissemination of information to today's consumers. What many business-to-business executives question is how social media applies to their business. Maybe its right for companies that...

The only thing certain in today's economy is uncertainty, but there are things you can do to make sure you survive and thrive regardless of all the recent doom and gloom in the headlines. It all begins with strategy. The following business strategies will...

By now almost everyone has heard about Apple’s introduction of its tablet the iPad. Blogs, Twitter and main stream media have all weighed in on Steve Jobs’ announcement. Will it be a game changer? How is it going to change the eReader...

Relief efforts continue to pour into Haiti after last week’s catastrophic earthquake there. Here in the US, technology is changing the face of giving, providing effective tools for raising money for those in need. Provided are a few examples of technology and social media’s...